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Prepare the Pork

Marinate Liempo and Grill the Meat

Mix and Serve Sizzling Pork Sisig

Let's put a spin on a traditional favorite! An all time beloved classic of crispy chicharon and grilled meats served in a creamy, tangy mayo sauce made extra rich with egg for a mouthwatering pork appetizer.  



  1. Prepare the Pork

    40 minutes
    1. In a medium-sized stockpot, combine the pork face, ear, water, black pepper, bayleaf, Knorr Liquid Seasoning and Knorr Pork Broth Base.
    2. Boil and simmer until pork is tender.
    3. Strain and set aside.
  2. Marinate Liempo and Grill the Meat

    35 minutes
    1. In a mixing bowl, marinate the liempo in Knorr Liquid Seasoning and black pepper for 20 minutes.
    2. Once ready, preheat the griller.
    3. Grill the pork face, ear, liempo and chicken liver until done.
    4. Chop the protein to desired sizes.    
  3. Mix and Serve Sizzling Pork Sisig

    15 minutes
    1. In a large mixing bowl, combine the grilled meats, onion, chili, Knorr Liquid Seasoning and Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise. Mix very well.
    2. Serve on a sizzling plate.
    3. Garnish with chicharon, calamansi and chili.     