F: Food
Food rich in protein and carbohydrates have a higher probability of being affected by microorganisms unless handled correctly. There are rules to follow to stop microorganisms from growing in these types of food.
A: Acid
Low-acid or slightly acidic foods like poultry, fish, dairy, eggs and meats are potentially hazardous. You can avoid this danger with proper handling.
T: Temperature
Microorganisms grow in a “Temperature Danger Zone” (TDZ) of 5° to 56.7°C. Unfortunately, this is also the general room temperature range. Practise proper storage and avoid leaving unattended food in the open.
T: Time
Don’t keep food at the TDZ for more than 4 hours. That’s enough time for toxins from microbes on the food to multiply and contaminate the food.
O: Oxygen
Oxygen helps many microorganisms grow. Keep food covered and minimise exposure to stall bacterial growth.
M: Moisture
The more moisture there is, the easier it is for microorganisms to grow, especially with poultry, meat and raw eggs. Limit moisture and keep working surfaces clean and dry.