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Beef Preparation

Gremolata Preparation

Rissotto Preparation

What is seemingly a hard-to-prepare and complicated dish is easy to make, economical, and lavishly scrumptious!



  1. Beef Preparation

    • Heat the corn oil in a pan and saute the onions, carrots, and celery
    • Add the beef and cook until lightly-brown
    • Stir the Knorr Napoli Tomato Sauce Mix in
    • Add the Knorr Demi Glace Sauce and Knorr Beef Broth
    • Bring to a simmer and cook until the beef is tender and the sauce has thickened
    • Season with Knorr Aromat Seasoning, sugar, and Knorr Liquid Seasoning
  2. Gremolata Preparation

    • In a bowl, combine parsley, garlic, lemon zest, dissolved Knorr Lime Powder, and olive oil and mix well
  3. Rissotto Preparation

    • Heat the canola oil in a pan over medium heat
    • Sweat the onions and garlic
    • Add the rice and toast slightly
    • Pour the wine in then reduce to almost dry
    • Stir the saffron
    • Cook the rissotto by adding the broth in small amounts, and only after the rice absorbs each liquid addition
    • Continue the process until the rice is fully-cooked and the rissotto has become creamy
    • Stir the butter in and season with salt and pepper
  4. Presentation

    • Garnish the beef shortribs with gremolata and serve with saffron risotto