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As of Apr 19 2018


  • The Certified Sisig Masters promotion (also known as the “Promotion”) is open to all Filipino Chefs, 18 years old and above and residing in the Philippines only and must be presently working or own a restaurant.
  • Chefs from around the country must create and submit their innovative sisig recipe using Knorr Liquid Seasoning for a chance to earn the Certified Sisig Masters stars. 
  • Each of the chefs will undergo three (3) steps or levels of requirement or screening to be able to earn a star at each level with the maximum 3-star certification on the 3rd and final level.
  • The Certified Sisig Masters certification will run based on the following dates:
    • 1-star certification – May 1 to July 15, 2018
    • 2-star certification – June 1 to August 31, 2018
    • 3-star certification – September 1 to October 31, 2018
  • For 1-Star Certification Level
    a. Each participating Chef may directly submit their application to be certified via the Unilever Philippines, Inc. - Unilever Food Solutions website or provide the necessary information and requirement through our Certified Sisig Masters Ambassadors who will complete their online application on their behalf.
    b. Each participating Chef must include in the submission of their recipe the following information:

    i. Recipe Name
    ii. Recipe Description
    iii. Recipe File
    iv. Dish shot
    v. Dish Shot with Chef and Restaurant Logo or Signage
    vi. Complete Name of Chef
    vii. Mobile Number
    viii. Email Address
    ix. Name and Address of Company / Outlet / Restaurant
    x. Type of Business
    xi. Job Title
    xii. Complete Address of the Chef

    c. Recipes should be good for 2-3 servings.
    d. Sisig recipes should contain Knorr Liquid Seasoning.
    e. Participants must submit a clear hi-res photo of their dish entries in jpg or pdf file format. Must be shot against a white background.
    f. Participants should submit their photo holding the sisig dish that they have created and ideally must include or show the logo of the restaurant that they represent for easy identification during the screening.
    g. Entries will be scored using the following criteria:
    d. Sisig recipes should contain Knorr Liquid Seasoning.

    i. Use of Knorr Liquid Seasoning – 40%
    ii. Practical, Up-To-Date Presentation – 30%

    • Entries should be plated according to today’s food plating trends and can be realistically prepared and served in a restaurant.  Ingredients must be utilized properly; all garnishes must be edible 
    • Pictures submitted should clearly show the main ingredient(s) used in the recipe

    iii. Recipe – 30%

    • Recipe must be clearly written and can be easily understood.  
    • Must correctly indicate quantity, directions for preparation and cooking method to be use

    h. All 1-star certified Sisig masters will be informed via email by Unilever Food Solutions.

    i. Prizes at stake are as follows:

    • Promotion of the restaurant on Zomato’s Partner Collection for 2 months from August 1 to September 30, 2018
    • 1-Star Certified Sisig Masters sticker for display in the restaurant
    • Sisig Starter Kit to include Sisig serving pan, Knorr Liquid Seasoning, and Certified Sisig Masters Apron
    • Feature in the Unilever Food Solutions website 

  • For 2-star certification Level

a. This 2nd stage or level of certification is only open for those who obtained the 1-star certification only.  They will have to present the 1-star confirmation email sent to them to when they pre-register.
b. Note that all participants who completed the Certified Sisig Masters Roadshow will receive a 2-star certification.
c. However, there will only be one (1) winner to be declared based on the highest number of points received during the judging.
d. Participating Chefs will be required to cook their Sisig recipe entry in the Certified Sisig Masters Roadshow for judging.
e. All the qualified Chef participants must pre-register in any Certified Sisig Masters Roadshow not later than one (1) week before the schedule.
f. There are only ten (10) slots available per Certified Sisig Masters Roadshow schedule as follows:

• Cagayan De Oro - June 7
• South Manila – June 13
• Bohol – June 16
• Palawan – July 7
• Subic – July 16
• Manila – July 26
• Ilo Ilo – August 13
• Cebu – August 9
• Davao – August 23
• Ilocos – August 28

g. During the Certified Sisig Masters Roadshow judging, each competitor will be given 15 minutes to check their equipment and set up their areas before the competition.  No complaints will be accepted after the given time.
h. Dish should be good for 2-3 persons. Sizzling plates and serving ware aside from plates are allowed. Participants must ensure that all serving ware are clean, sanitized and are food grade.  
i. Competitors are to prepare and present 2 identical plates of an innovative sisig dish in 30 minutes.  One plate for display and the other for the judges. 
j. The components of the dishes can be brought in prepared (cut, sliced or peeled) and partially or fully cooked.
k. The 30 minutes will be given to each of the participant to re-heat, assemble and plate the dish.  
l. All garnishes and components of the plate should be edible. 
m. The organizer will be providing a table and 1 portable burner for each station.   The contestants will be responsible for bringing their own plates, tools and equipment needed for their dish, along with their own adaptor, AVR and other needed item - if necessary.  
n. The organizer will not be responsible for any loss or breakage of utensils or equipment.  
o. The judging criteria are as follows:

• Taste:  40 points 
• Food Safety and Hygiene: 10 points
• Correct preparation (includes proper cooking method, techniques and serving at proper temperature): 20 points
• Creativity and Up-to-Date Presentation: 20 points
• Use of Knorr Liquid Seasoning: 10 points

p. Prizes at stake are as follows:

• One (1) winner of Php 5,000 cash prize and Pepper article* featuring the innovative dish and restaurant. 
• Two-star icon in-store* for all participants who completed the judging.
• In-store merchandising materials to include tent card and poster to promote the dish in their restaurant.
• Feature in the Unilever Food Solutions’ website
• *Pepper Article feature as well as in-store merchandising materials will be provided once the restaurant has launched their innovative Sisig dishes in their restaurant.

q. All 2-star certified participants will receive a confirmation email from Unilever Food Solutions.

  • 7. For the 3-star certification level:

a. The 3-star certification stage or level of certification is only open for those who obtained both the 1-star and 2-star certification only.  
b. The participating chefs with their corresponding dish must gather at least a combined total of 100 individual posts in Instagram, Twitter, and Faceboook.
c. All posts must contain the official hashtag #CertifiedSisigMasters and the hashtag for the participant’s restaurant #restaurantname.
d. Participants need to submit a screenshot of all posts generated to Unilever Food Solutions as proof.
e. Additionally, participants must be able to sell and serve at least 200 orders of their Sisig recipe in their respective restaurant in one month—October 1 to 31, 2018. Participants must submit a certification of the sale signed by the owner of the restaurant and a copy of the point of sale report or the collected official receipts as proof of sale in the absence of the POS.
f. All participants who will be to complete mechanics 7.a to 7.e will automatically receive a 3-star certification.
g. However, only the top ten (10) participants with the most number of posts obtained will be invited for an all-expense paid trip to the Ultimate Certified Sisig Masters Competition wherein one (1) winner will be declared as the Ultimate Sisig Master of 2018.
h. The culminating Certified Sisig Masters Competition will be held in October, final date to be confirmed.
i. The top ten (10) participants for the competition will get a chance to win the following prizes.

1. All ten (10) participants will be featured in website and select foodie websites. 
2. All ten (10) participants will be featured in the Unilever Food Solutions’ website
3. One (1) grand winner of the Ultimate Sisig Masters competition will receive P 100,000.00 cash.

  • Unilever Philippines, Inc. reserves the right to determine the suitability of the entries at its discretion, and to disqualify any entries it determines to be incomplete, ineligible, or inappropriate for any reasons.
  • By joining this competition, the participant warrants that all entries and submissions are owned by the participant, and he/she agrees and consents to having Unilever Philippines, Inc. publish and use such entries for promotion or advertising without any further consideration to the participant. 
  • Employees of Unilever Philippines, Inc. and Brandworx, Inc. (the “Organizers of the Promotion”), and their respective subsidiaries, affiliates, agencies, distributors, and their family members up to the second degree of consanguinity are not eligible to participate in this contest.
  • By joining and participating in the Certified Sisig Masters, those qualified and interested to join said promotion (the “Participant/s”) hereby confirm, agree and acknowledge that: 

a. He or she has read the full mechanics of this Promotion and agrees to abide by the terms and conditions of the same;
b. He or she has read, and agreed to, Unilever’s Privacy Policy ( (“Unilever Privacy Policy”) and that Unilever Philippines, Inc. is permitted to receive his or her registration data and all personal information supplied by him/her will be used by Unilever Philippines, Inc. in accordance with the Unilever Privacy Policy, and in compliance with existing data privacy laws and regulations, including but not limited to the Data Privacy Act of 2012 and its Implementing Rules and Regulations, ;
c. Organizers of the Promotion have the right to identify him or her as a participant or a winner in the Promotion and communicate the same at any time, in any territory and through any medium of release (mass media, digital media, etc.);
d. He or she shall hold Organizers of the Promotion free and harmless from any and all claims, suits and actions for damages or liabilities that may be brought by other persons, natural or juridical, in connection with his/her participation in this Promotion, including the prizes, as well as the statements and declarations made by Participant in relation to the Promotion;
e. Organizers of the Promotion may, without further compensation to Participant:

(i) reproduce, distribute, adapt, modify, make available and/or communicate to the public, exhibit, or broadcast any material or information regarding this Promotion, including the Participant’s entry, by any means or media without restriction of any kind as to quantity, purpose or time, whether commercial or otherwise, or to any country or  
(ii) authorize any of the above activities; and 

f) Organizers of the Promotion shall not be liable for any unauthorized use, reproduction and/or adaptations by third parties of any material or information regarding this Promotion.

  • Explicitly authorizes Unilever Philippines, Inc., its subsidiaries and its agencies the right to use his/her image, or reproduce the picture submitted by him/her for this Promotion, and his/her personal information and/or registration data provided to Unilever Philippines, Inc. in digital media, press or any medium they may find suitable for promoting their products in accordance with the Unilever Privacy Policy. 
  • Acceptance of a prize constitutes permission to use the winner’s name and/or likeness for advertising purposes in accordance with the Unilever Privacy Policy without further notice or compensation.
  • In case of disputes, the decision of Unilever Philippines, Inc. in concurrence with the FDA, is deemed final.
  • Only top 200 entries will qualify for 1-star certification
  • For Pepper article feature, only the winner of each event leg will be featured in the Pepper article
  • For feature, only the top 10 3-star restaurants with the highest sisig sales will be featured
  • Tax for all prizes will be shouldered by Unilever Philippines, Inc.


Per DOH-FDA-CFRR Permit No. 
